Life is full of unanswered questions already - to prevent creating more,
we’ve set up this faq section as a quick and useful framework to answer any question you may have.
How do I know the item will fit me? OR How does the item fit?
Do I need to make an account to place an order?
Can I modify or cancel an item from my order?
Can my order be shipped as a gift?
Where is my order confirmation?
How do I track my order?
My order has not arrived.
When will my order be shipped?
Post office mailbox addresses? Sometimes cheaper?
How can I return my order?
Will you provide a return label?
Do you offer exchange?
Can I return in-person?
What if the items are damaged or faulty?
What are the payment options?
Help, I cannot proceed with my payment.
Billing address differs from my shipping address?
Will I be charged any sales taxes?
Where is MÄRCHEN Based?
How can I stay up-to-date with MÄRCHEN?
Does MÄRCHEN have a PR?
I would like to stock MÄRCHEN. Who should I contact?